Palm Sunday
March 24th/ 9 & 11A
Parents! We will have a processional this Sunday with the kids at the beginning of worship for ages PreK-4th Grade. We will be giving out palms for the kids to wave and you are invited to walk them. Please plan to arrive early that day if you would like to join!
Maundy Thursday + Stations of the Cross
March 28th/ 7P
Please join us as we celebrate the institution of Holy Communion and enter into the darkness of Jesus' final hours before going to the cross.
An installment of Stations of the Cross will be available in the sanctuary for those who would like to worship through prayerful reflection following the service.
Good Friday Tenebrae + Stations of the Cross
March 29th/ 5:30P & 7P, 12-2P (Stations only)
Please join us for this service of "shadows" that features the slow extinguishing of candles as we read through the crucifixion story and end in the darkness of Jesus' death.
The Stations of the Cross will also be available in the sanctuary for those who would like to worship through prayerful reflection in the afternoon from 12-2P.